Welcome to Chubby Amy, where fashion meets sustainability also compassion! Join us in dressing your little ones with love and a genuine concern for the future.
「把美感放進衣櫃裡」是Chubby Amy for Kids的品牌精神,我們希望能讓孩子穿著面料舒服、作工精緻、帶有設計美感的服飾,如同媽媽的懷抱一般,陪伴孩子度過快樂童年的每一天。
Our clothing is designed to withstand the test of time, allowing your little explorers to move freely and enjoy every moment of their childhood.
繼童裝之後,我們新推出Chubby Amy for Adults系列,希望每個爸爸媽媽都能感受到「將從容放進衣櫃裡」的自在,在每日緊湊匆忙的生活裡,享有一站式購足日常穿搭款式的服務,並把珍貴的時間留給您最珍愛的人 :)
Discover our beautiful range of children's clothing also yours, thoughtfully designed to capture the essence of Nordic simplicity and timeless elegance.